At a Los Angeles beach, a team of lifeguards save lives, deal with personal dramas, fight crime and participate in over the top adventures on a daily basis.
IMDb: 7.4. Starring Robert De Niro, Jeremy Irons, Liam Neeson. A Spanish slave trader seeking redemption joins the mission founded by a Jesuit in South America.
2.7 mln views. Starring Gülnezer Bextiyar, William Chan. Li Jun Jie works in an information security company and he discovers the company's complicated dealings.
Starring Lorenzo Lamas. Alexa is one of the best, but she works for terrorists. When she is finally captured, it is up to the CIA to turn her against her latest employer.
IMDb: 6.1. Starring Reg Park, Christopher Lee. Hercules must journey into Hades itself to retrieve the magic stone that will free his love from the powers of darkness.